certified financial analyst financial planner institute board American Academy of Financial ManagementCertified Financial Analyst Designation AccreditedAmerican Academy of Financial ManagementCertified Financial Analyst Designation AccreditedAmerican Academy of Financial ManagementCertified Financial Analyst Designation Accredited  certified financial analyst financial planner institute board

Accredited Education Requirements - Level 2 Standards

Apply today if you have a qualified  Graduate Degree from an Accredited Program from this list:

  1. ACBSP Accredited Programs
  2. Finance and Tax Degree from These Schools
  3. Accounting Degree from these Schools
  4. Economics Degree from These Schools
  5. AACSB Business Degree from These Schools

If you complete a Degree from one of these degree programs, you can petition the AAFM ® for Certification

  • AAFM has a mutual recognition policy with the ACBSP and the AACSB Accreditation Agency & AAFM extends global recognition of courses offered by the 800  Top Business Schools of the ACBSP™ and AACSB International. 
  • AAFM recognizes graduates of ACBSP 800 accredited business schools and programs worldwide and the 400+ AACSB business schools globally for MFP™ designation eligibility. Thus, if you have successfully graduated from an ACBSP or AACSB business school with a concentration in Finance related topics, you are eligible for the MFP Master Financial Professional Designation.
  • AAFM has members in 150 + countries
  • AAFM has top Finance Professors from around the world who are members or honorary advisors. AAFM Credentials and Designations are listed with the Official Investor Education Websites and also Recognized with the US Department of Labor.
  • AAFM has global legal trademark agreements with the CFA Institute AIMR ™ and CFP Board where AAFM has secured trademark and IP rights to  other Intellectual Property and Programs.

As Seen in FINRA, INVESTOPEDIA, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, CNN, MarketWatch, The Hindu National, El Norte Mexico, Financial Times, Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News, AP Associated Press, Black Enterprise, The China Daily, CNN, AACSB News, Peninsula On-line, The Gulf Times, Nassau Guardian, ACBSP News, Asia Africa Intelligence Wire, The Arab Times, Empresa Exterior, Spain, Arab News,The Business Wire, Congress News, The Congressional Quarterly, The Economic Times, Antara, Al-Bawaba News, and the South China Post.


 AAFM ® Global Recognition

AAFM ® * As seen in the US Government Occupational  Handbook and the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration Certification Guides.  

 AAFM ® Event Calendar

AAFM ® * Events 2014 - Click Here

 AAFM ® Chairman's Message

A Message from the AAFM Chairman -Dr. George Mentz on Global Standards and Accredited Education 

 AAFM ® CWM Institute  ® China

For the CWM Chartered Wealth Manager ® Institute of Singapore and Hong Kong, please visit


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 Quote for Today


 "I do not think it is an exaggeration to say history is largely a history of inflation, usually inflations engineered by governments for the gain of governments. -- Friedrich August von Hayek  -  Nobel Prize Winning Economist

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