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George Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM - AAFM ® -  Founder & Attorney

The AAFM ® American Academy of Financial Management ® 

Prof. Dr. George Mentz, JD, MBA, CWM ®, QFP, Attorney at Law - USA - American Academy AAFM ® - Writer, Professor, Counselor

 Mentz is first person in the United States to achieve "Quad Designation" Status by earning and achieving a Juris Doctorate Degree, AACSB recognized MBA Degree, Licensed Qualified Financial Planner Registration, and Certified Financial Consultant credential. Author of over 200 Books and Articles and Teacher of over 175 graduate, law, and college accredited courses globally. Featured and quoted in the Wall Street Journal ™, Reuters, The Hindu National, The Financial Times Asia, The Arab Times, El Norte Latin America, Forbes News, The Business Wire, EuroInvestor News UK, Yahoo Finance, Morningstar News, Digital50 News, Direkt Broker Germany News, Ad Hoc News, Centre Daily News, Earth Times, Yahoo News, University of California News, NEWS, Express Computers Business News in India, and more. Mentz is winner of a 2009 Excellence in Teaching Award, several faculty awards, and a meritorious service award for charity.

George Mentz has been a professor for the post-doctorate program at the Diamond Law School program for several years along with serving as a JSD/PHD panel/mentor for the law school. Mentz is a licensed attorney.  Dr. Mentz has taught over 175 graduate and undergraduate law and business courses and is the winner of several faculty awards for excellence along with earning 3 certifications regarding online education, mentorship, e-platforms and e-learning design. Prof. Mentz is the author of dozens of books and essays and has been featured or quoted in the Wall Street Journal, The Hindu National, El Norte Latin America, Reuters, the Financial Times, The China Daily, & The Arab Times. Mentz's Guides and books address: law, tax, management, operations, and compliance, including Wealth Management.

Prof. Mentz continues to consult as an expert with the Federal Government USA, volunteers as a Civil Society member to the United Nations, and serves on the advisory boards of the: AAFM ® American Academy International Board of Standards, The Latin American Capitulo - Analistas/ Financiero, The AABFS Arab Academy of Banking and Financial Sciences, the India Institute for Financial Management, the African Economists Association, the International Assn. for Qualified Financial Planners, and has also served on the advisory boards of the Global Finance Forum in Switzerland and the World E-Commerce Forum in the UK. Also, Mentz has won academic awards for his delivery of Ethics and Professionalism Courses along with serving on the boards of charities, schools, and foundations.

Mentz is formerly with the KSF Class Action and Securities Law Firm. Mentz was accepted as an expert in NASD Arbitration. The Mentz law firm continues to be a leader in Securities Fraud Consumer Protection. Mentz previously worked with the firm KG, LLC which was founded in 2001 by Wendell Gauthier, the nationally prominent class action attorney and lawyer most responsible for the national tobacco settlements in excess of $200 billion, and numerous other recoveries for thousands of plaintiffs in excess of $3 billion.  


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AAFM ® * As seen in the US Government Occupational  Handbook and the U. S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration Certification Guides.  

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 AAFM ® Chairman's Message

A Message from the AAFM Chairman -Dr. George Mentz on Global Standards and Accredited Education 

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 "I do not think it is an exaggeration to say history is largely a history of inflation, usually inflations engineered by governments for the gain of governments. -- Friedrich August von Hayek  -  Nobel Prize Winning Economist

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